As we clean up our homes, we find items that we don’t know how to dispose of safely. We know it shouldn’t go in the garbage but where does it go? For more details, contact the City of London( for those in the London area) for a copy of a Waste Reduction & Conservation Calendar for your zone. Outside of London, contact your city for instructions. #envirodepots #recycling #recyclingideas
London EnviroDepots; ( does not accept furniture or mattresses. Set these items out with your regular garbage, or deliver them to the W12A Landfill Site (fees apply).
Disposal Fees at EnviroDepots
Grass clippings: $1.50 per bag
Leaves: No charge
Bagged residential garbage: $1.50 per bag
Blue box recyclables: No charge
Tires, propane tanks, batteries, empty oil and antifreeze: No charge
Fluorescent tubes and bulbs: No charge
Electronics, TVs & monitors: No charge
Renovation/construction and roofing materials $25.00 minimum load, $50.00 per car/van/SUV load, $70.00 per pick-up truck load.
Appliances containing refrigerant: $20 per unit. Includes fridges, freezers, air conditioners, dehumidifiers & water coolers.
Scrap metal: No charge
Zubick Scrap Metals (no charge) 105 Clarke Rd.
Hazardous and Special Products- HSP (toxic, poisonous, flammable, corrosive or explosive) 3502 Manning Drive, not collected with regular garbage pick up or to be poured down the drain.
· gasoline, automotive fluids/batteries
· Paints/ thinners and solvents, alcohols and peroxides
· Pesticides, fertilizers, glues and adhesives
· Household cleaners, nail polish and remover
· Fats, cooking and grease
· Fluorescent bulbs and tubes
· Thermometers and thermostats, smoke/CO2 detectors
· Propane tanks
Batteries, Fluorescent Bulbs and Tubes
· EnviroDepots & London HSP
· Lowe’s/ Rona, Home Depot (household batteries only)
Used Motor Oil and Filters (
· Local garage, Mr. Lube
· London HSP
Propane Tanks, Automotive Batteries
· EnviroDepots (BBQ & 1 lb. tanks only)
· London HSP
· Metal dealers, ex. Zubick
Renovations Materials
· Items that can be reused: Habitat for Humanity Re-Store
· Items not reusable: AAROC, EnviroDepots, TRY Recycling
Household Items (furniture, clothing, towels, linens blankets, curtains)
· No Furniture: Canadian Diabetes, Mission Services and Talize
· Salvation Army, St. Vincent de Paul, Value Village, Goodwill Industries
· Best Buy, Staples, Zubick
· EnviroDepots
· Goodwill Industries, Salvation Army(working)
· St. Vincent de Paul, Value Village(working)
Appliances, Scrap Metal, Tires
· EnviroDepots, W12A Landfill
· Metal dealers (Zubick)
Ink and Toner Cartridges